Friday, February 13, 2009

Why do people believe in a religion/god?

Why is it that people believe in god? Could it be because in order to have peace and tranquility after death we have to have faith and pray for our sins? Who told you you were a sinner? Your church told you that you were a sinner, but don't worry there is a cure and your church just so happens to possess it. Some might say that your church has merely cut you in order to sell you a band-aid. The truth of the matter is, most if not all christians ( im going to refer to christians because I am the most familiar with it) are christians because they were born and raised in a christian environment. My point being if you were born in say Pakistan you would be muslim. There is nothing special about your religion and furthermore there is nothing that makes it the "true" religion to choose. If you were born to believe that trees could talk and raised like that, you would believe that trees could talk, sounds silly right? Well how does believing there is a sanctuary in the sky run by an invisible man in the clouds who sees and hears everything? When you break it down most people do NOT even question there beliefs. A good percent of christians havn't even read the bible im guessing. Thus believing in something they have not even read. So if you are a die hard christian, take it upon yourself to do some research and become more educated in the matter.

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