Sunday, February 15, 2009

The 10 commandments

The 10 commandments, sent down from the heavens from the all mighty God himself for us humans to abide by in order to enter the heavenly kingdom upon death. The first four are blatant religious propaganda, basically a plug for the Hebrew God.
The remaining six are dangerously held up as exhaustive and inspired by those who apparently haven't read them. For example, one wonders how lying and envy make the big list of don'ts, but not rape, torture, child abuse, racism, slavery… And surely nobody still seriously believes that black and white moral guidelines are of much use in a greyscale world. "Thou shalt not kill".. but what about in genuine self-defense? "Thou shalt not bear false witness".. but what about lying to the Nazi officer who asks if you are hiding Jews? True morality requires judging each case on its own merits, not just overlaying the same clumsy morality stencil on everything. Also, not to mention that the entire list of the 10 commandments were completely plagerized word for word from the Egyption religion which by the way pre-existed christianity by about 2000 years. Christianity is nothing but the hand-me-down blanket of numerous other religions combined into one. Infact the story of how the 10 commandments were received is plagerized.

The God you know and love.. or maybe not

This world was created by a conscious entity we call God correct? This all knowing, all loving, fatherly figure managed to produce an earth full of hatred, racial hate, child labor, famine, poverty, hunger, death, murder, suffering and so on, what kind of God creates this? Here are some interesting quotes from the bible:

Who should we kill? - Homosexuals (Lev.20:13, Rom.1:26-32) -
Adulterers (Lev.20:10, Deut.22:22) -
Disobedient children (Deut.21:20-21, Lev.20:9, Exod.21:15) -
Women who are not virgins on their wedding night (Deut.22:13-21) -
All non-Christians (parable told by Christ - Luke.19:27) -
Those accused of wickedness by at least two people (Deut.17:2-7) -
Anyone who works on the Sabbath (Exod.35:2-3, Num.15:32-6) (not even to kindle a fire, and no exclusion for ambulance drivers)
Women - It is “shameful” for a woman to speak in church (1Cor.14:34-5) -
A man must OK his wife’s words if they are to have force (Num.30:8) -
A woman must not teach or hold authority over a man (1Tim.2:12) -
Lot saves the messengers from the men of Sodom by offering up his virgin daughters to “do to them as you please” (Gen.19:8) -
“Kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourself every girl who has never slept with a man” (Moses - Num.31:17-8)

Slavery - God supports slavery (Lev.25:44-6, Exod.21:2-8, Eph.6:5, Col.3:22) -
Instructions on how to sell your daughter as a slave (Exod.21:7-8) -
When to give your slaves “severe” or “light” beatings (Luke.12:42-8) -
OK to beat slaves only if they don’t die within 2 days (Exod.21:20-1) -
How to mark your slave: drive an awl through its ear (Deut.15:17)
Marriage - It’s best if all people remain unmarried. Marriage is a lesser-of-two- evils compromise for Christians too weak to resist their sexual urges, “for it is better to marry than to burn.” (Paul - 1Cor.7:1-2, 8-9, 25-6, 38) -
The rapist of an unwed woman must buy her and make her his wife (apparently a far more 'holy' union than a genuine, loving same-sex relationship - Deut.22:28-9)

Justice - If a man suspects his wife of cheating he can serve her a cursed drink; if she becomes deformed, then that proves her guilt (Num.5:12-31) -
42 children killed by bears for calling a prophet ‘baldy’ (2King.2:23-4) -
OK to beat your children with a rod - it wont kill them (Prov.23:13-4) -
God commits, orders, or endorses every form of atrocity known to man (pretty much pick a page of the Old Testament at random)
Do the Old Testament laws still apply? - Every “jot” and “tittle” (Christ – Matt.5:17-9)

Here are some more interesting quotations about Jesus Christ
Christ, what a role model…
- Christ tells us we must "hate" our entire family, and even our own life, if we want to be one of His disciples (Luke.14:26)
- Those who abandon their families will be rewarded (Matt.19:29)
- "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." (Christ - Matt.10:35-6) -
“I came not to send peace, but a sword” (Christ - Matt.10:34)
- If you don’t have a sword, sell your clothes to buy one (Luke.22:36)
- Curses fig tree for not bearing fruit in off-season (Mark.11:12-4, 20-1)
- Didn’t want to help girl because she was a “dog” gentile (Matt.15:22-8)

Of course there are several good passages in the Bible, the ones that are carefully selected by your minister for Sunday readings. But if you find some chocolate in a pile of dog feces you don’t eat it, right? No. The good is tainted by the bad that surrounds it.

Here is a quote that is something to think about

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
Epicurus (341-271 BC)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why do people believe in a religion/god?

Why is it that people believe in god? Could it be because in order to have peace and tranquility after death we have to have faith and pray for our sins? Who told you you were a sinner? Your church told you that you were a sinner, but don't worry there is a cure and your church just so happens to possess it. Some might say that your church has merely cut you in order to sell you a band-aid. The truth of the matter is, most if not all christians ( im going to refer to christians because I am the most familiar with it) are christians because they were born and raised in a christian environment. My point being if you were born in say Pakistan you would be muslim. There is nothing special about your religion and furthermore there is nothing that makes it the "true" religion to choose. If you were born to believe that trees could talk and raised like that, you would believe that trees could talk, sounds silly right? Well how does believing there is a sanctuary in the sky run by an invisible man in the clouds who sees and hears everything? When you break it down most people do NOT even question there beliefs. A good percent of christians havn't even read the bible im guessing. Thus believing in something they have not even read. So if you are a die hard christian, take it upon yourself to do some research and become more educated in the matter.