Sunday, February 15, 2009

The 10 commandments

The 10 commandments, sent down from the heavens from the all mighty God himself for us humans to abide by in order to enter the heavenly kingdom upon death. The first four are blatant religious propaganda, basically a plug for the Hebrew God.
The remaining six are dangerously held up as exhaustive and inspired by those who apparently haven't read them. For example, one wonders how lying and envy make the big list of don'ts, but not rape, torture, child abuse, racism, slavery… And surely nobody still seriously believes that black and white moral guidelines are of much use in a greyscale world. "Thou shalt not kill".. but what about in genuine self-defense? "Thou shalt not bear false witness".. but what about lying to the Nazi officer who asks if you are hiding Jews? True morality requires judging each case on its own merits, not just overlaying the same clumsy morality stencil on everything. Also, not to mention that the entire list of the 10 commandments were completely plagerized word for word from the Egyption religion which by the way pre-existed christianity by about 2000 years. Christianity is nothing but the hand-me-down blanket of numerous other religions combined into one. Infact the story of how the 10 commandments were received is plagerized.

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